Education of Independency
✔ Children should grow up in a relatively ‘loose’ environment while experiencing necessary constraints according to their age and specific situations (in order to avoid undertaking actions that are dangerous or beyond their abilities).
✔ Children need know that they cannot shift responsibility or ask someone to clean up after their mess. Therefore, they must learn how to analyze the consequences of an action before they proceed with it and whether or not they are willing to take responsibility for their actions. When children are eager to do something beyond their abilities, parents can guide them to achieve their aspirations through effort rather than denying them the opportunity to test their ideas.
✔ Criticism plays a bad role. When children make mistakes, blaming is not useful and damages their pride, which leads to their reluctance to take risks and make mistakes. Parents can help their children learn to control negative feelings and to help them analyze and reflecton their feelings so that children can in turn learn why they made the mistakes and how they can improve in the future.
✔ Children should be fully trusted, encouraged and supported in whatever they do. They are very sensitive to the trust-relationship with their parents no matter how old are they.